Dentures are removable replacement for missing teeth that can be taken out and put back into your mouth. Also known as false teeth, they are prosthetic devices that are supported by tissues in the oral cavity. Dental treatments improve your facial appearance and confidence. It’s important to be informed about dentures and understand exactly what the process involves before opting for the treatment. If you are considering getting dentures or know someone who uses them, you most likely have concerns regarding their usage.
Dentures are designed by your dentist to replace your natural lost teeth. If multiple teeth on the same row are lost, dentures are the only viable choice. They are designed to custom fit your mouth and are matched to your existing teeth.
Dentures can be either complete or partial. They will replace all teeth either on the top or bottom or only the few that are missing. Complete dentures are worn through the day and taken out for cleaning at night. Partial dentures are clipped on the remaining natural teeth but usually work similar to the complete ones.
It normally takes 4 visits to make dentures. In some cases, the process can be fast-tracked and they can be made in a few days. • First Visit: Denture Cast If you're considering getting dentures, your first dentist's visit will be to verify if your gums and tissues are fit for the new replacement. A thorough inspection of your teeth will be conducted. You may have to take an X-ray to check underlying issues with the bone structure. Your dentist will start with making the mould for dentures. For complete dentures, the gum's impression will be used as a base for the new dentures. Factors such as shape, size and shade of the dentures will also be determined. • Second Visit: Denture Length During the second visit, the length of the new teeth will be determined based on the patient’s mouth. For the dentures to be perfect, there should be accurate alignment between the upper and lower teeth. By using a loose tray of denture and a wax rim, the teeth position is planned such that no teeth click and the bite is perfect. • Third Visit: Replacing Loose-Fitted Dentures Any loose-fitted dentures are replaced with plastic teeth, which feel exactly like a denture. This visit helps you understand what the dentures will feel and look like. If any corrections are required, they are done during this visit. • Fourth Visit: Dentures Fitting You will be given a complete set of fitted dentures. Your dentist might give you tips on how to care for your dentures.
Dentures are long-lasting as they are made of artificial materials of high quality. Dentures may have to be replaced if you notice any inflammation due to changes in your mouth. As you grow older, your mouth changes and you will have to make minor replacements for the dentures to be comfortable.
For the dentures to fit properly, you don't need to use a sticky base. It's better to use it only if your dentist has prescribed it. If you think you need a glue-like material to secure your dentures, your dentures might need updating. The likelihood of using adhesive for dentures increases as you age. Dentists usually prefer replacing your old dentures with new ones that will fit better.
Eating with new dentures may not be comfortable for the first few weeks. But once you are familiar with them, you will be able to eat with ease. You must chew from both sides to get used to the dentures. It’s a good idea to stick to a liquid diet such as pudding, oatmeal or soup initially. Trying to chew immediately will be difficult and may harm your gums. Start with cutting your food into small bites to make it easier to chew. Be careful while having hot coffee or chocolate, candies and chewing gum. You don't want your dentures to become loose at inconvenient times. Take proper care of your dentures to avoid damaging them. Remove your dentures every night and immerse them in warm water. If your dentist recommends a denture-soaking solution, it’s best to use it to avoid displacing them. Nordel Dental Clinic provides quality dental services and helps design a thorough treatment plan to ensure you achieve optimal dental health. Contact us if you have any questions about any dental treatment we provide.