Did you know there are now 15,872 dentist practices in Canada? Despite the ease with which treatment can be accessed, many people still put off a trip to the orthodontist. Much of this is due to unnecessary fear, and one phrase in particular.

Did you know there are now 15,872 dentist practices in Canada? Despite the ease with which treatment can be accessed, many people still put off a trip to the orthodontist. Much of this is due to unnecessary fear, and one phrase in particular.
That is the unfairly labelled root canal. Despite its reputation, it is not painful to have treated as many say. Read on as we discuss the root canal treatment steps.
What Is a Root Canal Treatment?
The root canal is a chamber inside the tooth, with some teeth even having more than one. It contains nerves, pulp, and blood vessels. This is the part that helps connect your tooth to the gums and bones.
When this becomes infected, the tooth will start to rot and die. The results can mean the tooth goes black or yellow. This will also be accompanied by pain.
Infections can be caused by a number of reasons. This could be decay from the outside which breaks through the surface and into the root chamber, dental trauma, or exposure from chips and cracks.
How Long Does a Root Canal Treatment Procedure Take?
This all depends on how complex your procedure will be. Standard appointments will take around one hour to ninety minutes, with some tricky operations lasting even longer. This can be influenced by the level of decay, infection, and any other oral issues the patient may have.
Root Canal Treatment Steps
The procedure will begin with a local anesthetic to numb the area. This means you will not feel pain during the procedure, despite what others may have told you before. In fact, the procedure removes pain and is not designed to cause it.
After this, drilling of a small hole in the tooth takes place. The purpose of this is to get into the middle of the tooth itself, removing the infection, decay, and cleaning it. Your dentist will rinse the tooth as they do so, and may even place medicine in the hole to kill bacteria.
After this, the dentist will check the tooth is clean by performing an X-ray. This may result in a little more work.
You then have two options. For permanent fixes, the dentist will restore the tooth with a permanent solution. If you have a crown fitted, a temporary filling will be made.
How Do I Know When I Need a Root Canal?
Regular trips and checkups with a dentist should help prevent ever needing a root canal. However, if you have not been to a dentist for a while there are some telltale signs.
Tooth pain, either persistently or coming and going, is the first red flag. It may also include sensitivity to hot and cold.
The appearance of the mouth may also change. Swollen gums and tooth discoloration can begin to appear. You may find chips and cracks on the tooth occurring more easily and frequently.
Speak With Your Family Dentist at Nordel Dental Clinic in Delta!
There’s no need to put off getting a root canal. Modern root canal treatment steps are safe, fast, and efficient. Our dentist will talk you through it and answer all your questions to help soothe your concerns.
Nordel Dental Clinic is a family-run practice dedicated to treating, restoring and enhancing your oral health. Speak to us about your concerns, and let Nordel Dental put the smile back on your face!